Make for Christmas
Are you a crafty person? Can you make a christmas tree from an old book? Can you create awesome christmas cards that sparkle? Can you make decorations that make your house look like a magazine shoot? Can you make personalised gifts that people will cherish forever?
Neither can i and i daresay, nor can most people. We would all love to be able to get the glue out, the glitter and the scissors and make ssomething truely magical.
Hopefully this section will give you some pointers and tips to help you.
6 Christmas Corner Bookmark Designs – DIY Kawaii Bookmarks for Christmas
Early Bird Christmas DIY Playlist – Let’s Get Ready for Christmas DIYs
Paper Fan Bird Decoration – Paper Cardinal Ornament DIY – DIY Paper Christmas Ornaments [embedded content]
Pine Cone Christmas Trees
A selection of 22 DIY Christmas Decor Ideas on a Budget
Rustic Christmas Wrapping Ideas & Giveaway
There’s just something about a farmhouse Christmas, something about the rustic Christmas wrapping, the twine, bows and ribbons that make the season a little more homey. While visiting cities is a treat, lots more people prefer a rural, Country Christmas. Here I have a...
Felt Santa letter ornament
Cute to make with a pocket in the back to put the current Santa letter in. Then hang it on the tree or on a doorknob. One of Santa's elves can then take the letter....
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